We provide the opportunity for your club to join a common event that EVERYONE can participate in, no matter where they are, when they run or how they do it .....for a full 12 months. Your own club leader board and club homepage provides plenty of opportunity for club promotion, as well as friendly competition among club members.

FUNDRAISING.......................Promote RUN THE WORLD to EVERYONE and get them to join as part of your club. Once you attract 20 or more Primary Club* members, we will give cash back to your Club, money that can be used for fundraising, uniforms, entry fees or even prizes!

  1. Step 1: Click on the registration button and create an account for yourself. In the process of joining, choose "No Club" when asked about joining a Club. NB: A club can only be created by a registered member.
  2. Step 2: Once registered, visit your member's dashboard and click on Clubs from inside the running the world website. Press "Create Club" and follow the prompts to get your club listed with us. Add as much information as you like about your club, including links, social media and training times.
  3. Step 3: Spread the word and get as many members as you can to enter. WHY?

If you recruit 20 members or more as Primary Club* members on registration, then you qualify for our Club Rewards, providing cash back to your club for fundraising or vital equipment purchases.

Don’t worry if you can’t get 20 – your club will still be fully involved and listed on our leader board.

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Image Program 2
  1. Step 3: Club members enter individually and select your club name from the drop down box as part of their registration process.
  2. Step 4: Create some friendly banter. All your club members will have their results combined on your own club leader board (as well as see their name listed individually on all other leader boards), and the website will do the rest. Check each week, month and at the end of the year to see how your club went against other clubs from around the world!

* See information below on qualification via the Primary Club


When someone registers for the first time or as a renewal, they will be asked to select a Primary Club*. Once a club has 20 registered members, they become eligible to receive cash back through our Club Rewards program.

Funding will be returned to the club for them to use as they please. Options include fundraising, uniforms, equipment, race entries or even your end of season club party.

New members will have $5.00 allocated to their club for Club rewards, renewing members allocated $1.00. However, a minimum amount of $100 will be paid to any club that qualifies with 20 Primary members or more.

* Please note - only those who select your club as the Primary Club ON REGISTRATION, will qualify. Anyone who changes their Primary Club mid-way through their membership or joins your club as an "affiliate" will NOT qualify for the Club Rewards.