I acknowledge that competitive running and walking involves the risk of serious injury or death from various causes including overexertion, equipment failure, dehydration, accidents with other road users, course or weather conditions & other causes.
I understand that I should not compete in this event unless I have trained appropriately and my physical condition has been verified by a medical practitioner.
By competing, I accept all risks flowing from my participation, which could result in loss of life or permanent injury. I release all persons or corporations associated directly or indirectly with the conduct of the event from all claims, demands & proceedings arising out of my participation & I hereby indemnify them against all liability (including liability for their negligence and the negligence of others) for all injury, loss or damage arising out of or connected with my participation in this event. This release and indemnity continues forever and binds my heirs, executors, personal representatives and assigns.
I consent to organisers using my name, image or likeness before, during or after the event for event promotion or reporting.
I understand that any information given to me via social media, emails, newsletters and the like are not to be used as a training program and the information provided is not applicable to every entrant.
I understand that any insurance cover affected for participants in this event may not cover me for all injury, loss or damage sustained by me.
Safety precautions undertaken by organisers are a service to me and others but not a guarantee of safety.
I am fully responsible for the security of my personal details at the event.
My registration is not transferable to others. If the event is cancelled, my registration fee is non-refundable.
I agree to abide by all race rules & directions issued by the event organisers.
I acknowledge that by reasons of circumstance beyond control of event directors, it may become necessary or desirable to alter the format of the event, and if that occurs, I consent to these changes & I agree that each and every of the conditions herein set at shall apply to that changed event.
If the event is cancelled due to flood, cyclone, torrential rain, fire or other “acts of god” conditions, I understand that the entry fee will not be refunded.
* Run The World will never share your personal contact information with any other member, sponsor, supporter, event partner or third party provider, other than what is visible on your profile page as a member.
* All emails sent to Run The World will be considered confidential unless stated otherwise by the sender.
* All data sent to Run The World for the verification of distance travelled when running and walking, will not be shared with any other member, sponsor, supporter, event partner or third party provider.
* All files sent to Run The World for verification of distance travelled will be stored for a period of 6 weeks before being permanently deleted.
* Run The World will be able to access your personal "exercise accounts" such as Strava, Garmin Connect, Map My Run and more, and will only use these accounts for the purpose of retrieving information through an API process. We will not make any changes to your account.