Run The World is a web-based application with an accompanying Smart Phone App that is easy to use, applicable to all runners and walkers and interactive and engaging to use. With EIGHT maps to choose from, we have a journey for everyone. Motivating, engaging, educational and unique, Run The World is designed to keep you active & healthy through running and walking long-term.
Once you make the decision to join us and start your virtual, head to our registration page and become a member. Then:
* Select the map you wish to start on and the date you want to start. You can start your journey from the day you join or backdate 4 weeks.
* Be sure to read our rules to ensure our event is for you. We only allow structured running and walking, and we are not a step counting app.
* We only cater for individuals and don't allow teams to join - Run The World is 100% your individual journey.
* Become engaged via our social media channels, monthly competitions, weekly newsletters, and regular group community catch ups.
Register to run The World
- You will be placed at the start line of your chosen map. Everyone starts in the same place and follows the same route... just like a physical fun run.
- You will receive a gift card to redeem in our Shop for your FREE merchandise item that is included as part of your membership. *Excludes monthly memberships.
- You will receive a welcome email with a point of contact (real person) should you ever need them.
- At the end of the calendar year, you will receive your yearly participation medal included as part of your membership.
You will need a device to measure your distance and time for each run, with many options available. From GPS watches to mobile phone applications, you choose the device or program that suits you. Treadmills can be used by taking screen shots of the time AND distance. Remember - we ARE NOT a step counting App, so no step counting profiles can be used.
Every time you head out for a “structured” run or walk upload it along with verification. We are not interested in your speed (5km is 5kms regardless of how fast you do it) but we do need to ensure you aren’t driving or riding a bike. We don’t require any elevation or terrain statistics... we just want your distance covered. There are 3 methods to upload your data:

- STRAVA. A free App that you can use as a stand-alone tracker or link your GPS watch to. All your structured runs and walks on Strava will automatically sync to our App every day. We will only access your runs, walks and hikes.
- Manual upload. This is a simple and quick process where you use our Smartphone App to add the date, time, distance and verification of your workout and hit submit. Your distance instantly uploads and tracks you along your journey.
- Weekly upload. Available on our website only - and add an entire weeks’ data.
If you don’t have verification for whatever reason from time to time, we allow manual uploads without this – but you need to use the comments section to describe in detail the legitimacy of your run. Use the comments section if ever in doubt to describe your run.
You can only record as far back as 4 weeks, so be sure to stay engaged with the App every month.
Find friends and follow their journey. Receive notifications and messages of support from them. Get your running club or workplace involved.
Each year you will be reminded to renew your membership and you continue your journey from where you left off. You have the ability to change maps whenever you like, and you can always pick up from where you left off if you have an extended break. Once you are a member, your profile, distance and all your statistics stay with us forever and you never have to start again. Our goal is to keep you active and healthy for the rest of your life!
Check the mail in December for your medal. Every 12 month membership includes a yearly participation medal.
One thing we strive to achieve through Run The world is to make you feel like you are part of our community and not just another number on our App. By becoming active with our social media, attending events we arrange and becoming involved with our competitions - you will be inspired, engaged and motivated all year round.

YES – there is a massive goal to achieve by completing your chosen map, but along the way there are many towns to pass through, breaking the journey down into manageable achievements each week, month or year. Once you reach a town, sit back and take the time to read the information that will be sent to you via email.....a great way to virtually explore this amazing planet whilst you run and walk your way to health and happiness.